Tuesday, January 03, 2006

I just thought since RaMina posted, I would post some ideas too. I've been compiling visual research. Because of the dream qualities of the play as well as the extreme physicalities and vaudeville nature, I've gravitated towards playful, colorful, cartoony, caricatured, wacky images. i also think it's important that most of the characters mob together and have elements of sameness, but they also have distinct personalities and we can give them each a color or a look that differentiates them a little. I think the costume isn't about disguising the fact that there are 10 people playing like 43 characters or what the hell have you. I want to go with the fact that they point it out continually. Maybe even make it painfully obvious to the point of enhancing the joke. Lanky and Blondie are definitely different, adn I'm not sure where that's going yet, but I was trying to think of possibilities and ideas of how to accent that a little with costume. Anyway, I'm not sure how useful or not this is, but I'd been thinking about it so I thought I'd post. Hope you're all rocking out break. I bought a curling iron today, and in upstate NY, that qualifies as a noteworthy occurence. Cheers!