Saturday, April 01, 2006

Design Meeting 4.1.06

11am, Phil Office
April Fools Day, 2006

Attendance: Julianna, Kira, Joanna, Geoff, Tyler, RaMina, David, Chris, Tim, Glenda, Rachel, Emily Fishbaine

DAVID: Rehearsals are a week ahead of schedule, run time is shorter than we anticipated. Won’t be much more than 2 hours.
-Actors have a great ‘tude

-Given nature of the show we’ll have lots of ambiguous areas on the stage that can be used together or separately.
-Generic ideas of specific scenes, need to sit down with Chris this week.
-Color scheme? Is there one?
-We’re completely in Lanky’s head, what does this do to color?
-RaMina: It’s a dream, but he doesn’t know it’s a dream
-David: The real world is just as weird as the dream world, things that don’t make sense happen
-Joint rental package: strip lights, multi-package
-Tyler can go to the Phil Board with specific requests for more money
-Help hanging? Will eventually need, cooperative effort
Julianna, members of the cast
-Will need board op: possibly Nate Kimball (says Joanna)


-Ideas will change based on budget
-wall of scrim half-way downstage, 8ft tall, can open
-flexible set pieces, removable panels
-door frames can be used for multiple scenes
-everything on wheels
-ideally no stopping for scene transitions!! Seamless
-set swirls into existence around Lanky
-CLERK SCENE: stage left diagonal doors latched together, Up left door
-POUND: panels from clerk windows would form wall upstage with barred windows
-TRAIN: corridor of light upstage, rooms formed by light
-INAUGURATION: scrim opens up, platform in the middle
-ANGELA’S HOUSE: door in the scrim, furniture
-use tiny clown chairs for chairs, realistic furniture in Angela’s scene
-Chris will price scrims, may be prohibitively expensive
-Rachel: would it work to have a patchwork of scrim and fabric?
-We’ll probably need a run crew
-Stage hand worked into the action of the play (ASMs?)
-David: Brechtian overtones!
-Where are set pieces coming from? Shop, don’t want everything to just be behind the scrim
-How does this effect Tim?
-Tyler and Chris will price the scrim, if it’s too expensive we’ll consider making it work with fabric
-6 doors, need to buy lumber
-2-dimensionality? May still factor in
-How will scrim hang? TBA
-Set team will be responsible for furniture
-Yay for Chris’ design! Fits budget and is still conceptual
-Can we have the stuff in Angela’s apartment be functional
-The sooner we can get ground plans for proprietor’s shop and Angela’s house, the better

-Glenda has gone through the script and found stuff that it seems like we might need
-Once Lanky passes out we can start going crazy with props
-REALLY prop heavy, have some prop making parties
-Money can get bigger and bigger
-Either really big or really brightly colored
-For newspaper tricks use foam cut-outs
-Water gun instead of spray bottle
-Coat rack instead of mannequin (or borrow from Ms. Hummel)
-Glenda will start making props THIS WEEK
-can do cardboard cut-outs of rehearsal props
-Joanna and Glenda will coordinate rehearsal props
-Glenda will be backstage during the show, need a couple people helping
-canollis: some fake, some real, have fake canolli goo in a bag in the pants

-P.O.s and reimbursements only (up to $100), never feel that you should have to spend your own money, let Tyler know before you do it, give Tyler receipts as you get them, never spend more than $100 at a time, school won’t reimburse you for sales tax, Tyler will get a supply of tax deductible forms

-In scenes where Lanky is not dreaming, we won’t do too much with music that doesn’t have an identifiable source
-Minimum sound when Lanky and Angela are talking to each other
-Stick a bunch of songs in, stuff that Lanky’s heard before, recycled in subconscious
-Hulk song
-Crash box
-Self-generated sound effects are better
-Geoff can use ProTools in the department
-Transition music!
-Taking the veil off Angela song, really terrific!
-Geoff and Glenda need to coordinate radio (paint cereal box to look like radio?)
-Gregorian off the heezy
-Will need a sound board op
-Notes from inauguration scene: crowd noises, loud applause
can it come from behind the audience, need speakers (maybe RaMina can borrow from Media Resources)
-Lots of hilarious crashing noises
-Music library has BBC sound library
-Geoff should have a very sweet chat with Mr. Miller

-Emily has the wedding march, its very similar to what Geoff played for the wedding scene, very earnest, everyone is really into it
-Bureaucrat song: gospel bit at the end, very repetitive
-Opening song: swingin’ , Jets
-Has some creeping around music
-Everything will be performed to recorded music
-We’ll do wedding song in the Martel Lobby at 10:30 on Thursday
-Geoff and Emily will meet up with each other


-RaMina brought some stuff from home
-Jen will get into Phil Closet tomorrow
-Costume workshop on Tuesday
-Anyone can bring in costume stuff that could in any way be incorporated
-Jen and RaMina know what places take P.O.’s, going to start getting costumes soon
-Starting to watch rehearsals, figure out practically how things will work
-Much more practical than conceptual right now
-Costume build crew, 2 weeks before the show have a build party
-RaMina is in charge of the canolli pants
-Jen has really clear ideas about the friends, low class characters don’t get buttons
-Ugly blondie, awful lipstick, fake nose, distortion glasses
-Stage make-up

-people need to start wearing their shoes, sneakers mostly
-Phone and Phone Book
-Email Julianna fight call list
-work on falls with EVERYONE

-Jordan Campbell
-Jacob something…
-Could the newspaper be like a pop-up book?

-We need to get a wheelchair as soon as possible!!




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay here's my list. I don't know how to make an official post, so I fail. This is going to be hella long, and each prop is in about sequential order of being mentioned and has my ideas on what it could be. If anyone can help me with collect stuff, please do!

I really hope people check this.

Props for Archangels


Phonebook- regular, might cover in yellow construction paper
Doctor’s Bag- plain and black
Stethoscope- plain, maybe old looking
Phone- plain
Cannolis- some felt, some real, fake good bag for pants
Artificial Additives Box*
Hankercheif- plain enough
Pastry Tray- simple, not shiny
Cash Register- modern and working
Wad of Cash- regular size
Cream Puff- made of felt, filled with cotton balls or something squishier
Pie- “whip cream” or fake felt, need tin pans
Eaten Cannoli- prepares fake one or real one eaten
Cup of Water- larger than necessary, maybe actual measuring cup
Torn Newspaper- torn, folded, from Poughkeepsie journal
Red Tablecloth- self-explanatory


Party Decorations- more for a kid’s birthday party than a wedding.
Blindfold- normal, or a long striped sock
Tie string- sock? tie? brightly colored?
Candles- birthday candles, construction paper flame
Alcohol Bottles- easy to find and make cheesy labels for
Trays of food- if they eat it, lunchables, if not, obviously fake
Glasses- kid’s birthday paper cups
Cigarettes- either real or bubble gum
Tray- painted to look like a record
Rag- gray, small
Rolls of Bills- bigger than last bills, maybe shaped like flowers
Glass for hiccups- same as other glasses
Radio- something throw-able three nights in a row, painted cereal box? Must talk to sound


Rubber stamps- offical looking, but won’t hurt anyone’s head when stamping
Suitcase- need two, preferably awkward and huge. Need to match?
Package- large and hard to carry
Tray- ordinary, same one from the pastry shop?
Cups- bright and annoying
Coffee Pot- ???
Larger cup- bowl like to dump whole lemon in
Lemon- dump into large cup
Papers- in order so that the different colors of the forms get more and more ridiculous
(one paper at a time or piles?)
Grenade- fake, maybe bright green? Not TOO ridiculous yet
Drawer- need whole drawer? Need to be full?
Files- easy to buy in multiple colors
Handcuffs- pair on Lanky normal, kinky one’s for Investigator
Notepad and pen- regular notepad (feminine pad?), frilly pen?
2 Badges- toy badges, or construction paper


Beware of Man Sign- nuff said
Muzzle, Collar & Leash- must match ridiculously
Newspaper- the Misc
Bills- bigger than last used bills, noticeably
Identification Papers- ridiculous colors, polka dots?
Whip- uh…
Cleaning Brush & Bucket- toy sand pail and toothbrush!
Dog food- Lucky Charms!
Card- huge


Newspaper- different issue of the misc
Eggs, Bread, Tray of Food- 2D foam/paper pop up trick


Bathroom Sign, Amenities*-???
Bag of toiletries- frilly and girly!
Key- HUGE, must be able to break each show, or kids play keys
Wine- sparkling grape juice or similar, wine in a box
Tray- not classy enough
Ribbon- Huge or caution tape
Scissors- annoyingly small or for children
Medals- cheap, like #1 DAD medals @ walgreens
Parchment- old looking


Suitcases- tattered and very used
Envelop with money- bigger bills than before
Keys- big, each revealed key is bigger than the last one
Stationary- plain w/ flamboyant quill
Letter opener- frilly


(some props from I.i. repeat)
Seltzer bottle- water gun!


(some props from I.ii repeat)
Decoration- less meant for kids, more appropriate but rushed and trasy
Money- regular size

The end, if people want an offical hard copy I can email you one.

Grosse Bisse,
Glenda/Frisco K.

4/03/2006 12:10:00 AM  

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