Sunday, April 16, 2006

Design Meeting 4.16

Attendance: David, Jen, Tyler, Joanna, Juliana, Tim, Geoff, Chris, Kira, Rachel

TYLER: Cast help with load-in?
It would be good to have other people, but maybe not people from the cast

TIM: 1st draft of the plot had 30 lights that we don’t actually have…
7 area system, 3 front/4 back
Needs to talk to Chris about inauguration scene platform
Washes: deep blue, daylight, theatrical daylight, bright pink, commie red, green
City hall windows
Cage specials
Strip lights
Fluorescent moments?
Rachel needs to get a list of cues from Tim when he has it

Has ground plans for each scenes
Counter in pastry shop = desk
Cover back wall of pastry shop with canollis
Angela’s room: mannequin? Furniture
Clerks: 5 doors put together, velvet ropes (ask student activities)
Playing space: 18ft deep, 25ft wide
Pound: mirror image of clerks
Train: 3 doors in back, chairs on either side
Inauguration: platform 2 ft high, steps on either side, platform double as bed, tables
3.1: Bed, desk, dressing screen
“Wheelchair” for 2.3 = chair with cardboard wheels
Bring space into rehearsal
When we start load in, Chris will cut wood for doors 1st
Filing cabinets
Signs will be in each scene

3.2 is most difficult costume change! We should work on it
Purchasing is being poopy so shopping will happen in next few days
Jen will be building on Wednesday and Friday
Needs to: talk through quick-changes, measurements
Character costume break down is on the blog
Jen will bring quick change stuff to rehearsal
Most people are using their own shoes
Alex needs to rehearse in shoes!
Canolli pants need to happen soon: we need goo and champagne
Tail coat…Geoff has one
Buying tuxedo shirts at Marshall’s

CD burner isn’t working, will get CD soon
“Damn! I am a wizard” music kicks ass
preshow music: ridiculous lounge music
music coming from radio? Will talk to Gordon, possible to sound like its coming from on stage
Sound effects? Email list of songs, sound effects, transition music
Recording stuff

HOW WILL FIREWORKS WORK? Light under the 1st row of audience, music, fireworks sound effects

TRANSITIONS: mostly dark, stage hand character bossing people around, map out with Joanna

Toy cash register for 1.1
Radio? Cereal box
Need felt for canollis
Velcro canollis?
Retreat dumpsters are great for cardboard
Make canolli filling with instant pudding
Going in to talk to Paul at 4 tomorrow
Muzzle, leash and collar
Can find mugs and thrift store
Stamps: elastic bands
Ask GEOFF about grenades
Kid scissors for Lanky to cut ribbon
Squirt bottle for 2.3 (Joanna has a squirt bottle for her hermit crab)
Making: canollis, stamps, paint cups, grenade (lime juice)
Rachel will bring suitcases to rehearsal tomorrow to keep track of props

TYLER: Let’s take the cast into the Shiva at some point
We’ll do a tech schedule after this meeting
Amanda Culp will help Tyler with publicity

Board-ops? Check with Zoe
Run crew: Glenda, Joanna
Rachel will meet with Jen at 11 in the Retreat tonight


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